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Summer Message from Paul Northington - MoASBO Board President for 2023-24 School Year!

Summer Message from Paul Northington - MoASBO Board President for 2023-24 School Year!
Dear members, 

It's been a fast fleeting summer! And as we prepare for this coming school year, I want to give some highlights.

First, I look forward to serving MoASBO as the 2023-2024 Board President; join me as we welcome new board members, whom I'm incredibly happy to be serving with this year. 
photo of board
photo of board

Next, take a few moments to view upcoming programs, workshops and conferences. And, please visit the MoASBO website often for updates and announcements. 

Thank you again for all you do for MoASBO. I wish you a safe, healthy, and exciting school year!
Paul Northington, CFO, SFO
2023-24 Board President. 
