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A Message from MOASBO Board President

A Message from MOASBO Board President

Dear MoASBO Members,

Last month, members, speakers and volunteers gathered at the Lake for the 2024 Support Staff Conference and in Kansas City for the MSBA Annual Conference in Cooperation with MASA and MoASBO. As I reflect on the amazing professional development provided at both conferences, I see that our membership is made up of dedicated and inspiring individuals.

At the MSBA Annual Conference in Cooperation with MASA and MoASBO, our members contributed by presenting on 10 CPE topics. (We had a packed room in every session!)


MoASBO continues to be the premier organization for like-minded professionals to come together to expand their knowledge, network with peers, and learn from seasoned leaders in our profession. At the Support Staff Conference, MoASBO provided a moving keynote address, engaging sessions with content experts, and recognizing our School Business Specialist (SBS) Certification Program graduates was simply magical.

Those who attended can confirm the excitement and inspiration that was provided. Congratulations to all SBS program graduates.

Thank you to the staff, our Premier and Executive Partners, and everyone who played a role in making the 2024 Support Staff Conference a tremendous success! And to our members for making MoASBO THE PLACE TO GO! 

Dr. Steve Shelton
MoASBO Board President