MoASBO is the place to go for professional learning. It is at the core of what we do. Our business officials know the importance of improving their skills so they can help lead their school districts in providing quality education to students.
Leadership Learning Institute
MoASBO’s Leadership Learning Institute is an interactive year-long program, offering a transformative journey for school leaders and individuals aspiring to leadership roles.
The Institute covers topics essential to developing a deep understanding of the leadership role of a successful CFO, director, manager, or administrator. This program is also valuable for other new administrative leaders (superintendents and assistant superintendents) or new school business officials.
Mentor Program
The program is designed to facilitate a relationship in which a more experienced person voluntarily assists a less experienced person to grow and develop professionally. As a result of this relationship, mentees will be able to:
- Identify appropriate professional resources to help them effectively perform their job functions
- Describe and implement practical, workable ideas and suggestions for improved job performance
- Utilize MoASBO professional learning and networking opportunities to help them develop and achieve their professional goals
School Operations Academy
The MoASBO School Operations Academy is your one-stop shop for an introduction to key areas of school operations. Learn proven techniques from experienced practitioners.
You will:
- Learn proven techniques from experienced practitioners
- Gain ideas to create efficiencies and reduce costs
- Exchange challenges and solutions with your peers
- Build a network of contacts across the state