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Member Benefits

Being a member of MoASBO means you are connected to colleagues from across the state who understand the challenges of being a school business official. You have opportunities to network, communicate and collaborate. Additionally, you can receive outstanding professional development to help you grow as an individual and help you improve the work of your school district.

photo of members learning


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Professional Development

Conferences and Events

  • The annual spring conference provides information on relevant topics and best practices on school business operations.
  • The two fall conferences - support staff and administrators - feature pertinent information that is targeted to members, based on their roles in their districts.
  • Annual golf tournament, co-sponsored with MUSIC, helps raise money for student scholarships.

Legislative Advocacy

  • MoASBO is actively involved in representing the interests of school business officials and school districts at the state and federal levels.
  • MoASBO works with an outside lobbying firm, which is shared with other school administrator organizations (School Administrator Coalition)
  • MoASBO is a cornerstone member of Better Schools for Missouri, a PAC that identifies candidates who support education issues.
  • Learn all about Legislative Fiscal Notes and how they fit in the legislative process.

Support to School Districts

  • MoASBO provides support and assistance to school districts on school finance and budget related issues through the MoASBO Help Center
  • When a staff member retires or leaves unexpectedly, the MoASBO Help Center can provide short-term, in-person assistance. This service is available for a fee and is subject to MoASBO staff schedules.
  • MoASBO is available to assist to school districts with communication planning and/or communication issues.

Timely Information

  • Members receive emails from the Executive Director on important education and association matters.
  • A quarterly ENewsletter provides professional information and details on association activities and events.
  • Updates are emailed to all members during the legislative session.
  • Members have access to an online resource library that contains documents, power point presentations, articles, etc.

Collaboration and Connections

  • MoASBO provides in-person and virtual opportunities to connect and collaborate with peers across Missouri. 
  • Members have access to the Global School Business Network - (Missouri ASBO Online Community). This free service to MoASBO members allows you to start discussions, ask questions and seek help from your peers.

Professional Advocacy

  • MoASBO represents school business officials at educational meetings and events throughout the state.
  • MoASBO works closely with ASBO International to advocate for our profession.