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Constitution By-Laws

Our constitution is a living document that is reviewed on a regular basis. It contains the fundamental principles that govern the operation of our association.

The bylaws establish specific rules of guidance by which MoASBO is to function.

The constitution describes the aims and objectives of our association:

  1. To promulgate and establish high standards of ethics and efficiency in business methods and practices as related to the administration and operation of the public schools in the State of Missouri.
  2. To stay well informed and disseminate legislative information pertaining to public schools in the State of Missouri.
  3. To study, analyze and disseminate the most efficient methods and practices in all matters pertaining to school business administration.
  4. To make comprehensive and progressive study of the school business profession and to recommend standards of practice for the school business official.

Constitution of the Missouri Association of School Business Officials


Take a look at our constitution and by-laws. 

Constitution and By-Laws