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Support Staff Member of the Year



The Missouri Association of School Business Officials sponsors the School Business Official of the Year Award to recognize one of its outstanding members each year. It is a peer recognition program established to acknowledge an active member who has demonstrated excellence in service to their school district, community, profession, and MoASBO. The award is intended to recognize an individual's accomplishments and contributions. All nominees will be recognized at the 2025 Annual Spring Conference.

Any active MoASBO member, other than a current board member is eligible for the award. A support staff nominee serves in a non-administrative, non-supervisory position, including a bookkeeper, specialist, administrative assistant, or payroll clerk. Individuals may not be nominated for more than two consecutive years but may be nominated again following a one-year break in nominations. An individual may receive the MoASBO Support Staff Member of the Year Award only once.

The award recipient will receive free conference registration and lodging for the Annual Spring Conference.

Selection Process:

All completed nomination forms will be submitted to the Recognition Committee for review and ranking. A nominee must have an ACTIVE MoASBO MEMBERSHIP to be considered. Nominees will be considered regardless of their district size or job title. Finalists will be asked to submit a resume or provide a brief description of their accomplishments for further consideration.

This Award is Sponsored By: 
