Legislative Links
MoASBO's legislative liaison, Kevin Supple, shares the following: While K-12 education fared poorly this year, we know that issues like school choice, minimum teacher salaries, and property tax legislation will return. And we will need to be prepared to address these topics.
Governor's State Budget Proposal
Download Legislative link
Implementation of SB 727
Download - The Legislative Bulletin of the Missouri School Administrators Coalition
SB 727 Update 4-1-24
There are aspects of SB727 that would be beneficial for school districts and teachers, like the increase in minimum teacher salaries. However, the cost of the bill is concerning. The State is anticipating sluggish revenue growth over the next two years, and SB727 would cost almost $600 million in additional funds to implement in FY26. Even worse, the funding to pay for the increase to the minimum teacher salaries is not guaranteed, but is subject to appropriation. If the State is short on revenue (as seems likely, given the low consensus revenue estimate), then districts could face the possibility of having their non-Formula funds (e.g., Transportation) reduced in order to fully fund the Formula and provisions of SB727. We have been in a "Rob Peter to pay Paul" situation many times previously, and the results create real hardships for districts. Please review the SB727.
Listen to January 17, 2024 Podcast - Mike Lodewegen, director of Government Affairs for MCSA, talks about legislative priorities for this session.
January 08, 2024 - What To Expect
Download the January 8, 2024 Legislative Committee Update
For additional information or questions, please contact Kevin Supple, MoASBO 2024-25 Legislative Liaison, at ksupple@moasbo.org.